Sunday, 18 September 2016

Okere Falls Rogaine

Navigation North was running a women's adventure racing clinic to support teams getting ready for Spring Challenge.  Taryn and I headed decided it was a great way to add some navigation into a decent training session, and turned up after 27km of MTB at the Redwoods. 

The Rogaine was held on Farmland at Okere Falls - so with a lack of handrail features on the map, contour lines and compass use was going to be key.  Gulp.  Nothing like setting yourself up with your greatest weaknesses in order to improve. 

As it turned out, we had a solid run, and I was rapt to be consistently within touch of the CPs.  One I got pulled into the wrong gully by relying on contour lines instead of following my compass, but mostly all was good.

A highlight was scrambling through some thick scrub, trying to lose a team which had been following close behind for a while, using some espionage tactics and coming within 10m of a baby fawn.  I guess not many people had made it to the farthest out CPs. 

Learning - the speed graph shows all the stoppages while I took bearings..... good for accuracy but not so good for speed!  I need to be able to do that on the run.....