Tuesday, 5 November 2013


It's nearly a month since my last run.  This round of physio is the first I've had for many years, seeing the physiotherapist once a week over the month.  Occasionally I've sprained something and had it seen to check it's not anything terrible, but I've not gone back for ongoing care.  Generally, I would have said that I know my body fairly well, most minor injuries I can rest then 'run off' sensibly.....

A bit older, a bit more decrepit, a bit wiser??  Maybe I just got a real fright at how sore my knee was when I ran.  Anyway, I have for the first time in my life, done all the stretches, exercises and rests recommended by the good physio.  (There was a brief hiccup the first week when I chose to interpet touch rugby as not coming under the "no running" instruction, as it wasn't 'going for a run').  (Oh, and I forgot to take the stretchy band thingy for my exercises when I went away for Queen's birthday weekend, so that killed a few days.)  Besides that, I've been awesome.  I've really tried to make the most of my chance to strengthen the many parts of me that have contributed to the injury, hoping that it'll see me right.  And doesn't it make sense that if my hamstrings are stronger I'll be able to run faster??

Anyway, I'm off for my first run in a month.  1km, maximum of two if it feels good.  I'm not sure that Roger, the physio, knows that the first km on my runs never feel good, it takes me over half an hour to get going and get over how much I hate running.  Instead of racing out the door right now, I can feel that I've lost all that hard fought momentum I had.  I'm anxious on two accounts.  Firstly, that my knee will still hurt and I'm not 'fixed' yet.  Secondly, that my knee won't hurt, but the rest of my body will feel like shit and I won't enjoy this run I've been so keen on.

I'm off.


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